Berlin  /  November 23, 2023

Conference on Disinformation and Verification Technologies

The race for content verification

“Kleiner Sendesaal” at rbb in Berlin

Watch out for 23rd of November! The news-polygraph research alliance invites journalists, media professionals and interested parties to its free kick-off event in the “Kleiner Sendesaal” at rbb in Berlin

Together, we want to address the question of how to stay ahead in the AI-driven race between increasingly professional, persuasive disinformation and better verification technologies.

We want to understand your needs, share our plans for developing new tools and start a dialogue with you. You can expect a curated day of expert presentations in German and occasionally in English, networking and panel discussions including dpa-Faktencheck, the ARD-Politikmagazin Kontraste, Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg and #Faktenfuchs from Bayerischer Rundfunk. 

Fraunhofer IDMT will present the R&D vision of the project as well as selected challenges and tools for the verification of audio-visual media data.