Research Publications

The following page provides an overview of publications, including books, journal papers, conference proceedings as well as dissertations and research reports, published by researches of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT

For further research please use our database "Fraunhofer-Publica".


Publication Type
2017 Acoustic scene classification by combining autoencoder-based dimensionality reduction and convolutional neural networks
Abeßer, Jakob; Gräfe, Robert; Lukashevich, Hanna; Mimilakis, Stylianos-Ioannis
Conference Paper
2017 Instrument-centered music transcription of solo bass guitar recordings
Abeßer, Jakob; Schuller, Gerald
Journal Article
2017 Deep learning for jazz walking bass transcription
Abeßer, Jakob; Balke, Stefan; Frieler, Klaus; Pfleiderer, Martin; Müller, Meinard
Conference Paper
2017 Score-informed analysis of tuning, intonation, pitch modulation, and dynamics in jazz solos
Abeßer, Jakob; Frieler, Klaus; Cano, Estefanía; Pfleiderer, Martin; Zaddach, Wolf-Georg
Journal Article
2017 Telekommunikationsgerät, Telekommunikationssystem, Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Telekommunikationsgeräts und Computerprogramm
Appell, Jens-E.; Rennies, Jan
2017 System zur Ausgabe von Audio-Signalen sowie zugehöriges Verfahren und Einstellvorrichtung
Appell, Jens-E.; Land, Jörg
2017 User-interface concepts for Sound personalization in headphones
Appell, Jens-E.; Baumgartner, H.; Rennies, Jan; Oetting, D.
Conference Paper
2017 Data-driven solo voice enhancement for jazz music retrieval
Balke, Stefan; Dittmar, Christian; Abeßer, Jakob; Müller, Meinard
Conference Paper
2017 Flachlautsprecher mit indirekter Schallabstrahlung
Beer, Daniel; Ehrig, Lutz
Conference Paper
2017 Perception-based investigations on the monopole synthesis for reproduction of directional sound sources
Bergner, Jakob; Redlich, Johannes; Sladeczek, Christoph; Brix, Sandra
Conference Paper
2017 Quantitative investigation artificial room simulations reproduced by channel-based and object-based surround sound systems
Camilleri, B.; Bergner, J.; Sladeczek, C.
Conference Paper
2017 Karaoke-System und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Karaoke-Systems
Cano Cerón, Estefanía; Grollmisch, Sascha; Holly, Steffen
2017 Exploring sound source separation for acoustic condition monitoring in industrial scenarios
Cano, Estefanía; Nowak, Johannes; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2017 Automated face detection for occurrence and occupancy estimation in chimpanzees
Crunchant, A.-S.; Egerer, M.; Loos, A.; Burghardt, T.; Zuberbühler, K.; Corogenes, K.; Leinert, V.; Kulik, L.; Kühl, H.S.
Journal Article
2017 Increasing the temporal resolution of ENF analysis via harmonic distortion
Cuccovillo, Luca; Aichroth, Patrick
Conference Paper
2017 Close miking empirical practice verification: A source separation approach
Drossos, K.; Floros, A.; Virtanen, T.; Mimilakis, S.I.; Schuller, G.
Conference Paper
2017 ELIXIER - didaktisch-technologische Konzeption einer Mixed-Reality-Experimentierumgebung
Ermel, Dorothee; Kirstein, Jürgen; Haase, Sebastian; Saul, Christian; Großmann, Holger
Conference Paper
2017 In-programme personalization for broadcast: IPP4B
Foss, J.; Shirley, B.; Malheiro, B.; Ulisses, A.; Armstrong, M.; Kepplinger, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Object based approach for electronic variable acoustics systems
Frutos-Bonilla, Javier; Brix, Sandra; Sladeczek, Christoph; Rodigast, Rene; Munster, Bjorn van
Journal Article
2017 Soundslike - automatic content-based music annotation and recommendation for large databases
Grollmisch, Sascha; Lukashevich, Hanna
Conference Paper
2017 Stereophonic microphone array for the recording of the direct sound field in a reverberant environment
Gößwein, Jonathan Albert; Grosse, Julian; Par, Steven van de
Journal Article
2017 Measuring, modelling and predicting perceived reverberation
Javed, H.A.; Cauchi, B.; Naylor, P.A.; Goetze, S.; Doclo, Simon
Conference Paper
2017 The plural of anecdote is not data: A study on different world views held by Asian and European students of Nautical Science
John, Peter; Björkroth, Peter; Lumban Batu, Purnama Nancy
Conference Paper
2017 Developing an assessment methodology for a universal maritime english proficiency test for deck officers
John, Peter; Toncheva, S.; Zlateva, D.
Conference Paper
2017 User experience evaluations in rehabilitation video games for children: A systematic mapping of the literature
Kepplinger, S.; Rico-Olarte, C.; Lopez, D.M.; Blobel, B.
Conference Paper
2017 Perspectives about personalization for mHealth solutions against noise pollution
Kepplinger, Sara; Liebetrau, Judith; Clauß, Tobias; Pharow, Peter
Conference Paper
2017 Instrumental and Perceptual Evaluation of Dereverberation Techniques Based on Robust Acoustic Multichannel Equalization
Kodrasi, I.; Cauchi, B.; Goetze, S.; Doclo, S.
Journal Article
2017 Automatic speech/music discrimination for broadcast signals
Kruspe, Anna M.; Zapf, Dominik; Lukashevich, Hanna
Conference Paper
2017 Personal Portable Devices in the Light of the Internet of Things
Lhotska, L.; Stechova, K.; Pharow, P.
Conference Paper
2017 Predictive maintenance. Acoustic condition monitoring via airborne sound analysis
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha
Journal Article
2017 Hörbare Fehler. Überwachung von Maschinen und Produkten anhand akustischer Signale
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Nowak, Johannes
Journal Article
2017 Zisch oder Tzisch? Akustische Qualitätskontrolle in der Getränkeherstellung
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Clauß, Tobias
Journal Article
2017 Phylogeny analysis for MP3 and AAC coding transformations
Maksimovic, Milica; Cuccovillo, Luca; Aichroth, Patrick
Conference Paper
2017 A recurrent encoder-decoder approach with skip-filtering connections for monaural singing voice separation
Mimilakis, S.I.; Drossos, K.; Virtanen, T.; Schuller, G.
Conference Paper
2017 Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement and Amplitude Modulation Analysis for Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
Moritz, N.; Adiloglu, K.; Anemüller, J.; Goetze, S.; Kollmeier, B.
Journal Article
2017 Perception and prediction of apparent source width and listener envelopment in binaural spherical microphone array auralizations
Nowak, J.; Klockgether, S.
Journal Article
2017 Don't Lose Your Brain at Work - The Role of Recurrent Novelty at Work in Cognitive and Brain Aging
Oltmanns, J.; Godde, B.; Winneke, A.H.; Richter, G.; Niemann, C.; Voelcker-Rehage, C.; Schömann, K.; Staudinger, U.M.
Journal Article
2017 Extension and evaluation of a near-end listening enhancement algorithm for listeners with normal and impaired hearing
Rennies, Jan; Drefs, J.; Hülsmeier, D.; Schepker, H.; Doclo, S.
Journal Article
2017 HapHop-Physio: a computer game to support cognitive therapies in children
Rico-Olarte, C.; Lopez, D.M.; Narvaez, S.; Farinango, C.D.; Pharow, P.S.
Journal Article
2017 Classifier architectures for acoustic scenes and events: Implications for DNNs, TDNNs, and perceptual features from DCASE 2016
Schröder, J.; Moritz, N.; Anemüller, J.; Goetze, S.; Kollmeier, B.
Journal Article
2017 The challenges of gamification in the age of Industry 4.0. Focusing on man in future machine-driven working environments
Schuldt, Jacqueline; Friedemann, Susanne
Conference Paper
2017 Blockchain und Smart Contracts
Schütte, Julian; Fridgen, Gilbert; Prinz, Wolfgang; Rose, Thomas; Urbach, Nils; Hoeren, Thomas; Guggenberger, Nikolas; Welzel, Christian; Holly, Steffen; Schulte, Axel; Sprenger, Philipp; Schwede, Christian; Weimert, Birgit; Otto, Boris; Dalheimer, Mathias; Wenzel, Markus; Kreutzer, Michael; Fritz, Michael; Leiner, Ulrich; Nouak, Alexander
2017 Object-Based Audio in Large Scale Live Sound Reinforcement Controlled by Motion Tracking
Seideneck, Mario; Bergner, Jakob; Sladeczek, Christoph
Journal Article
2017 An extension of the output profile list for semi-automated quality control using IMF
Sparenberg, H.; Martin, M.; Foessel, S.; Paduschek, R.
Journal Article
2017 Evaluation of object-based audio - what is the reference?
Sporer, Thomas; Liebetrau, Judith; Clauss, Tobias
Journal Article
2017 Herausforderungen bei der Beurteilung der wahrgenommenen Qualität räumlicher Audiosignale
Sporer, Thomas; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2017 Modellierung der wahrgenommenen Audio- und Sprachqualität
Sporer, Thomas; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2017 Robust adaptable human-robot dialogues for production processes
Theuerkauff, Tobias; Wagner, Yves; Wolf, Karen Insa; Wallhoff, Frank; Vox, Jan P.
2017 Computational methods for tonality-based style analysis of classical music audio recordings
Weiß, Christof
Doctoral Thesis
2017 Computer-based adaption of cooking recipes integrated in a speech dialogue assistance system
Wolf, Karen Insa; Goetze, Stefan; Wallhoff, Frank; Wichert, Reiner; Mand, Beate
Conference Paper
2017 Vergleich eines elektromechanischen und eines statistischen Lautsprechermodells zur Prädiktion der Membranauslenkung und Membranschnelle
Wolf, Maximilian; Beer, Daniel; Männchen, Andreas; Nowak, Johannes
Conference Paper
2017 Performance comparison of real-time single-channel speech dereverberation algorithms
Xiong, F.; Meyer, B.T.; Cauchi, B.; Jukic, A.; Goetze, S.; Doclo, Simon
Conference Paper
2017 On DNN posterior probability combination in multi-stream speech recognition for reverberant environments
Xiong, F.; Goetze, S.; Meyer, B.T.
Conference Paper
2017 Combination strategy based on relative performance monitoring for multi-stream reverberant speech recognition
Xiong, F.; Goetze, S.; Meyer, B.T.
Conference Paper
2017 Inside the Jazzomat. New Perspectives for Jazz Research
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