Projects and Products

A – D

Aaladin – Application of acoustic recognition technologies to assist care providers

ACME 4.0 – Self-adapting sensor systems for acoustic condition monitoring in Industry 4.0 applications

AFEnext – Modular Audio Front End

Adapt-DRC – Real-time optimization of speech intelligibility

AI4Media – A Centre of Excellence delivering next generation AI Research and Training at the service of Media, Society and Democracy

AKoS – Acoustic inspection of weld seams of safety-critical components as part of quality assurance

ALIAS – Adaptable Ambient Living Assistant

amoZFerg - Acoustic monitoring of component quality in machining production

Android – Signal Analysis and Processing on Android Smart Phones for Future Assistance Systems

ATTENTION – Mobile System for ADHD Therapy by Transcranial Electrical Neurostimulation

AudioCAT – Competence assessment via voice-controlled computer dialogue systems

Audio Forensics

Audio Phylogeny Analysis

Audio Segment Matching


Audiovisual Identity Suite – Unifying Face and Speaker Analysis for Rich Media Metadata

AUVIP – Making virtual products audible in space

AuWiS – Audiovisual recording and reproduction of traffic noise for the simulation of sound insulation measures

AVP3 – Acoustically Advanced Virtualization of Products and Production Processes

AVATAR – Anonymization of personal health data by generating digital avatars

BASS – Evaluation and analysis of speech interaction with smart speakers

BioMonitor4CAP - Advanced biodiversity monitoring for results-based and effective agricultural policy and transformation

BSoundH – Semi-automated processing of underwater acoustic rawdata

CARROUSO – Creating, Assessing and Rendering in Real-time Of high-quality aUdio-viSual envirOments

Click Detection – Acoustic monitoring for plug connections in industrial production

Connected Health – Intelligent health systems that connect!

ConstructionsAIt – Multi-modal AI-driven technologies for automatic construction site monitoring

Cough Recognition of Rats

Crowd Game Controlling

CUbRIK – Human-enhanced Multimedia Search

DeViSe – Automatic Detection, Localization and Tracking of Birds and Animal Sounds by means of an Intelligent Acoustic Sensor System

DeWieSe – Automatic Detection, Localisation and Tracking of Meadow Birds by means of an Intelligent Acoustic Sensor System” for nature protection in practice

DIAMOSS-I – Development of an Intelligent, Automonitored Sound Sensor System for Harsh Industrial Conditions

Digger – Deepfake Detection

Digital Cinema Chain – Processing Sequence of All Aspects of Film Production and Distribution

DIOMEDES – Distribution of Multiview Entertainment Using Content-Aware Delivery Systems

DIRAC – Detection and Identification of Rare Audio-visual Cues

DIVAS – Direct Video & Audio Content Search Engine

DMD4Future – Digitized Material and Data Value Chains

DREAMS – Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music and Speech

Dynamic Sound Design Tool


E – H

EAR-IT – Experimenting Acoustics in Real environment using Innovative Test-beds

»Easy Access to Child Benefit« with AI

EcoShopping – Energy efficient & Cost competitive retrofitting solutions for Shopping buildings

e-LAS+ – Multimodal quality assurance for production of electricity storage in safety-critical systems

ELIXIER – Experience-based learning through interactive experimentation in mixed reality environments

Emused – Gamification of Music Education

ENRICH – Improving speech with respect to comprehensibility and cognitive effort

ErgoVR – Development of an ergonomics analysis tool in virtual reality for planning workplaces in industrial manufacturing

ExtrudEAR – Mapping auditory perception and human expert knowledge to extruder process control


Foodservice Digital Hub – Connected sensor technology and speech recognition in the gastronomy business

GAL – Design of Age-Based Living Environments

GEI§T– Generator for Emotionally Customizable Synthetic Voices

GlobalMusic2one – Adaptive, Hybride Search Technologies for Global Music Portfolios

Hearable for the smart industrial workplace

Hear How You Like To Hear

HearingAssistance4Telecommunication – Compensation of Hearing Loss on the Phone

Hearing Assistance on the Telephone

Hearing, speech, audio and neurotechnology for the automotive sector

»Help!« – Reliable call for help detection

HiperSound – High Performance Sound

HiSSS – Hybrid and interactive speech and language therapy after stroke

HybridDigital – Digitalization for efficient process selection and design of hybrid structures based on experimental and synthetic data

I – L

IAVAS – Interactive Audio-visual Application Systems

IDCheck – AI-based identity verification

IDEAS – Identification of autism spectrum disorders with speech and facial expression screening

iKabel – Information Services and Interactive Services ins Broadband Cable Networks

ImageCLEF – Photo Annotation - Test collections of the Visual Concept Detection and Annotation Task (VCDT) in ImageCLEF from 2009-2011

IMC – I-Media-Cities

IMPASA – Intelligent acoustic monitoring platforms and sensor networks for use in industrial applications

IndiFon – Individual, interactive hearing assistance on the telephone

Industrial working group »Audio Technology for Intelligent Production«

iNetVoice – Development of a system for the acoustic call for help and communication function for the nurse call for use in nursing homes

Intelligent Acoustic Sensor Nodes

INTERKOMM – Interaction techniques for individual communication support in demographic change

InterOP – Interoperability Using Open Structures for Ambient Assisted Living

ISAAC – Industrial Sound Analysis for Automated Quality Control

ISAD – Informed Sound Activity Detection in Music Recordings

ISAD 2 – Informed Sound Activity Detection in Music and Audio Signals

ISi Speech – Speech control for persons with reduced speech intelligibility

KANTATE – Cognitive Assistive System for Support and Information Presentation for Older Workers in Call Centers

KI4BoardNet – Integral Agile E/E Development for Fusion and Standardized Power and Data Wiring Systems

KI-MUSIK 4.0 – Microelectronics-based Universal Sensor Interface with Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0

KISH – AI-based selective hearing via headphones

KOPRA-M – Development of Empiric Validation of a Model of Music-Practical Competences

KNOTS – Knowledge-Transfer System

LeseKind – AI-supported application for assessing reading proficiency

LidEO – Airborne sound analysis in the end-of-line test of the automotive industry

M – P

MaskCognizer – AI-based Face Mask Detection for Public Health and Safety

mEEGaHStim – Mobile EEG-based brain stimulation for better hearing

MentalState – Intelligent analysis of driver’s attention in autonomous vehicles

Melody Extraction for Music Games

MetaStoRe – Metadata Storage and Retrieval

Metavib – Metamaterials for controlling vibroacoustics by means of the resonator effect

METIOR – Human-Machine-Interaction for the operating theatre


Miniature Microphone Arrays for localisation of acoustic events

ML-s-LeAF – Development of machine learning algorithms based on virtual sound data for lightweight construction for quality assurance in additive manufacturing

MOBECS – Mobility and Emergency Call System

MOND – Mobile, smart neurosensing system for the detection and documentation of epileptic seizures in daily life

MovieSpeech – Evaluation of Speech Intelligibility in Movie Sequences


Music Automaton (Musik-Automat) – A musical question-and-answer game with AI

Music and Speech Detection

MyMMAid – Technologies for Personal Hearing Support in Multimedia and Communication Systems for Normally Hearing and the Hearing Impaired

NABCOM – New Adaptive Beamforming Conference Microphone

NEMO – Non-identifiability of Electroencephalograms (EEG) and similar sensor signals from Medical care for Open science

NeuroSensEar – Bio-inspired acoustics sensor technology for highly efficient hearing aids

OptiStrick – Development of an AI-supported inline quality assurance system for optimizing highly flexible knitting technologies

OSST – Oldenburg Speech and Voice Test

PareSense – Phonologically-based control of building management systems, security technology and multimedia for people in care environments

Personal Sound Zones

PHAROS – Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces

ProSA – Protection and Situational Awareness

Q – T

Query-based Audio Matching

Reliable speech documentation

REMUS – Contactless vital and motion monitoring

Research Group »Innovative Methods and Technologies for Spatial Hearing und Speech Intelligibility with Hearing Implants«

REWIND – REVerse engineering of audio-VIsual coNtent Data

S4CS – Speech Assistance for Citizen Services

S4ECoB – Sounds for Energy Control of Buildings

SAISBECO – Semi-Automated Audiovisual Species and Individual Identification System for Behavioral Ecological Research and Conservation

SEC-Learn – Sensor Edge Cloud for Federated Learning

Semantic HiFi

SensOhr®-Platform – The research platform for the ear-based detection of biosignals

SHAPES – Scalable Software Hardware Architecture Platform for Embedded Systems

SI-Live – Real-time monitoring of speech intelligibility

SiBed – Simulation of User Interfaces for Industrial Machines based on Cognitive Models

SITA – Speech Intelligibility Transformation & Autocorrection

SI4B – Speech Intelligibility for Broadcasting

SleepWell – Development of a mobile multisensor system for sleep monitoring at home

Smart Kita – In the middle of working life at 60+ - Assisted jobs against the background of demographic

Songs2See – Learn to Play by Playing

SonicSentinel – Intelligent Noise Guard for Detecting Critical Situations of the Elderly in Care and at Home

SoundsLike – AI-based Tagging and Search for Large Music Catalogs

SPADE – multi-purpoSe Physical-cyber Agri-forest Drones Ecosystem for governance and environmental observation

SpatialAV – Intelligent, Modular, Multi-Sensory Recording and Production System for Immersive Audiovisual Media

SpatialSound Wave

Speaker recognition

SpeechTrust+ – Detection of AI-based speech synthesis and voice distortion for evidence verification and protection against fraud and disinformation

SPIRIT – Scalable privacy preserving intelligence analysis for resolving identities


SVAT – Speech and Voice Analysis Technologies as a Service

SyncGlobal – Global music search applied to cross-modal synchronization with video content

Temporal Video Segmentation

The Hearing Car – Hearing for the Car

THERESIAH – Digital therapysystem to train hearing and articulation for highly hearing-impaired persons


TRA-ICT – Trusted Resource Aware ICT