The hearable for the smart industrial workplace

How could a smart hearable change the industrial workplace?

Much more than hearing protection: How about being able to combine crystal clear communication at the noisy workplace, voice control of production machines, hands-free documentation and acoustic monitoring of processes in one device directly in your ears? Our technologies for hearables create the basis for a smooth cooperation of people and machines as a networked team.

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Discover the vision of the hearable for the smart industrial workplace as a modular plattform for the communication with humans and machines.

Optimal information flow on the shopfloor


We are working on technological solutions for hearables that work as hearing protection in noisy industrial environments but also support communication between employees at the same time. Intelligent noise selection using AI enables natural communication with optimal intelligibility directly at the machine - and also over larger distances. Through machine learning and the placement of microphones on and in the ear audio- and speech signals are optimized, so that people with a hearing loss benefit from these technologies, too.

More about »speech intelligibility«

Hands free for what´s important


In combination with our solutions for automatic speech recognition and acoustic event detection, innovative possibilities for human-technology interaction arise.

The hearable can be equipped with customizable solutions for voice control and hands free documentation. An acoustic process monitoring, e.g. for the reliable and documented clicking into place of mechanical connections, can be integrated, too.

More about »speech recognition in industrial applications«

More about »acoustic condition monitoring for production«


Industrial solutions from the acoustics lab

The technologies of the hearable for the smart industrial workplace explained simply

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Our expert for personal hearing systems and speech intelligibility, Dr. Jan Rennies-Hochmuth, explains the functionality and added value of our technologies and development approaches around the hearable for industrial applications as part of the Hannover Messe 2021.