Dortmund  /  February 13, 2019  -  February 15, 2019

elektrotechnik 2019

At Touchpoint "Digitale Werkbank" Fraunhofer IDMT presents an interactive ball track system for automatic surface detection of steel balls based on their acoustic characteristics. Visit us at booth B50 in hall 4.


Have also a closer look at current research topics of Fraunhofer IDMT in the field of quality assurance at "Forum: industry.automation.maintenance." (Hall 5 5.B18)


"New procedures for acoustic quality assurance – non-contact, non-destructive and safely integrated."
Tobias Clauss, Fraunhofer IDMT
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 and Friday, February 15 2019, both at 1 pm

Three differently coated balls are rolling in random order through the demonstrator track. The moving noises of the balls are recorded by small microphones and analyzed by machine learning algorithms. This way, those balls are monitored simultaneously and are identified on the basis of their specific rolling sound. The analysis result - the order of arrival - is immediately shown graphically on a display. With this principle demonstrator, the Institute shows new acoustic methods for quality assurance - non-contact, non-destructive and safely integrated.

Film about the ball track demo by Fraunhofer IDMT