Main Research Topics

For many years, Fraunhofer IDMT has been conducting research and development in the fields of audio-visual signal processing and analysis, machine learning and the associated data protection and security aspects. Currently, the researchers investigate to what extent these established analysis methods from the broadcasting sector can be adapted and applied to industrial applications.

At regular intervals, the scientists exchange information with industry representatives and present current research results at scientific conventions.

Research project


Acoustic inspection of weld seams of safety-critical components as part of quality assurance

Research project


Sensor Edge Cloud for Federated Learning

Research project


Trusted Ressource Aware ICT

Insights in our research

(Interview and coverage in German)


Forschung im Dialog

Wissen, warum es wo laut wird

»Stadtlärm« – Ein Forschungsprojekt zur Klassifizierung und Vorhersage von städtischem Lärm


Dokumentation MDR Wissen / 17.1.2020

Ist es zu laut bei uns?

Die 45 minütige Dokumentation untersucht gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer IDMT und weiteren Experten Lärmursachen und fragt, wie man Lärm vermeidet.

Grätzel, M.; Other, S.; Stoll, B.; Rohe, M.; Hasieber, M.; Löhn, T.; Hildebrand, J.; Bergmann, J. P. (Production Technology Group, TU Ilmenau); Kátai, A.; Breitbarth, K.; Bös, J. (Fraunhofer IDMT):
Investigation of the directional characteristics of the emitted airborne sound by Friction Stir Welding for online process monitoring (Poster)
2nd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes (AJP 2021)


Johnson, David S.; Lorenz, Wolfgang; Tänzer, Michael; Mimilakis, Stylianos; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Lukashevich, Hanna:
DESED-FL and URBAN-FL: Federated LearningDatasets for Sound Event Detection
29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021


Abeßer, Jakob; Gourishetti, Saichand; Kátai, András; Clauß, Tobias; Sharma, Prachi; Liebetrau, Judith:
IDMT-Traffic: An Open Benchmark Dataset forAcoustic Traffic Monitoring Research
29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021


Gourishetti, Saichand; Johnson, David; Werner, Sara; Kátai, András; Holstein, Peter (SONOTEC GmbH):
Partial discharge monitoring using deep neural networks with acoustic emission
Inter-Noise 2021 Congress


Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía:
Improving Semi-Supervised Learning for Audio Classification with FixMatch
Special Issue Machine Learning Applied to Music/Audio Signal Processing, MDPI, 2021


Johnson, David; Grollmisch, Sascha:
Techniques Improving the Robustness of Deep Learning Models for Industrial Sound Analysis
28th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2020


Grollmisch, Sascha (TU Ilmenau); Johnson, David and Liebetrau, Judith (Fraunhofer IDMT):
Visualizing Neural Network Decisions for Industrial Sound Analysis
Proceedings SMSI 2020 – Sensor and Measurement Science International (conference was cancelled)


Grollmisch, Sascha (TU Ilmenau); Johnson, David; Krüger, Tobias and Liebetrau, Judith (Fraunhofer IDMT):
Plastic Material Classification using Neural Network based Audio Signal Analysis
Proceedings SMSI 2020 – Sensor and Measurement Science International (conference was cancelled)


Foss, Jeremy; Shirley, Ben; Malheiro, Benedita; Kepplinger, Sara; Nixon, Lyndon; Philipp, Basil; Mezaris, Vasilieos; Ulisses, Alexandre:
DataTV 2019: 1st International Workshop on Data-Driven Personalisation of Television
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, Salford (Manchester), United Kingdom

The data sets have been presented in several scientific publications at international conferences and are supposed to serve the scientific community as potential benchmarks for comparative experiments.

Industrial sound datasets



  • IDMT-ISA-Electric-Engine
    An audio database for the automatic analysis of operational states of electric enginges
  • IDMT-ISA-Metal-Balls
    An audio database for the automatic surface detection of metal balls
  • IDMT-ISA-Tubes
    An audio database for the automatic detection of bulk materials
  • IDMT-ISA-Pucks
    An audio database for the automatic detection of air-hockey pucks of different plastic materials
  • IDMT-ISA-Compressed-Air
    An audio database for compressed air leak detection
    An audio database for acoustic traffic monitoring
    DESED-FL and URBAN-FL: Federated learning datasets for sound event detection

Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha:
Predictive Maintenance: Acoustic Condition Monitoring via airborne sound analysis

Processing Magazine, 2017/09


Acoustic Monitoring at Fraunhofer IDMT